Book seminar You know exactly which seminars are the right ones for you? Then secure your seminar places and get started here, directly with the online booking!You are unsure or have questions about our seminars?Then call us or make a personal appointment with Sascha Haseloff. Arrange a consultation appointment Or by telephone under 030 30881620 Please select the desired seminar hereYour seminar: Beginners/Beginners*Please select...Seminar for hairdresser trainees and young professionalsSeminar for hairdresser trainees and young professionals*on requestLevel 1*Please select...Basic Elements CutBasic Elements Cut LightBasic Elements Men CutSell Like a StarBasic TypologyBasic Elements Hair Up & StylingBasic Elements ColorBASIC ELEMENTS CUT - Date*12.02. - 23.02.202403.06. - 14.06.202416.09. - 27.09.202411.11. - 22.11.2024BASIC ELEMENTS CUT LIGHT - Date*12.02. - 16.02.202403.06. - 07.06.202416.09. - 27.09.202411.11. - 15.11.2024BASIC ELEMENTS MEN CUT - Date*18.03 - 19.03.202407.10. - 08.10.2024SELL LIKE A STAR - Date*20.03. - 21.03.2024BASIC TYPOLOGY - Date*29.01.2024BASIC ELEMENTS HAIR UP & STYLING*on requestBASIC ELEMENTS COLOR*on requestLevel 2*Please select...Advanced Basic Elements Cut & ColorAdvanced Communication & TypologyAdvanced Basic Elements Men CutAdvanced Hair Up & StylingADVANCED BASIC ELEMENTS CUT & COLOR*on requestADVANCED COMMUNICATION & TYPOLOGY*on requestADVANCED BASIC ELEMENTS MEN CUT*on requestADVANCED HAIR UP & STYLING*on requestLevel 3*Please select...Economical Cut - Efficient hair cuttingPerfect GraduationCut Like InstagramColor Like InstagramStyling Like InstagramMen Cut Like InstagramColor FreehandSenior Cut & Color TypologyAvantgarde Hair Up & StylingECONOMICAL CUT - EFFICIENT HAIRCUTTING*on requestPERFECT GRADUATION - Date*13.05. - 14.05.202423.10. - 24.10.2024CUT LIKE INSTAGRAM - Date*28.02.202424.04.202410.10.202427.11.2024COLOR LIKE INSTAGRAM - Date*25.04.202428.11.2024STYLING LIKE INSTAGRAM - Date*15.05.202421.10.2024MEN CUT LIKE INSTAGRAM - Date*29.02.202409.10.2024COLOR FREEHAND*on requestSENIOR CUT & COLOR TYPOLOGY*on requestAVANTGARDE HAIR UP & STYLING*on requestLevel 4*Please select...Academy Look CollectionIcono Create Your Own Company LookACADEMY LOOK COLLECTION*on requestICONO CREATE YOUR OWN COMPANY LOOK*on requestLevel 5*Please select...Icono Train The TrainerIcono Chef SeminarICONO TRAIN THE TRAINER*on requestICONO CHEF SEMINAR*on requestBooking informationParticipant*About the -icon, they can easily add participants.First nameLast name Contact person (first and last name)* Email address* Phone / Mobile* Salon name* Salon address* Salon Postcode* Salon place* Data protection*I have the Privacy policy have been taken note of. I consent to my details and data being collected and stored electronically in order to respond to my enquiry. Note: You can revoke your consent for the future at any time by e-mail to revoked. NotedNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.